Active holidays often rhyme with discovery and a change of scenery. How good it is to exercise to better recharge your batteries!
With my sporty son and husband, we have tested many activities for you in Grand Châtellerault. On land or in water, in the countryside or in the city, in summer or out of season...
For a weekend or more if you like, make way for the Yakabougé family's favorites:

1. On foot

It was in Chenevelles that we found one of the most athletic hikes of the territory, circuit n°13 entitled Ozon Valley. Throughout the 14 kilometers, the altitude difference is there. Ascents, descents, wide then narrow paths: the variety of landscapes seduces us. I also appreciate the built or natural heritage stages on the route: castles and estates, magnificent yew trees…

My advice : Bring waterproof shoes for Arthur's (6 year old) favorite part, the Ozon ford.
And if you're more of a running fan, I'll give you the link to my article Top 5 of the best jogging spots in Grand Châtellerault.

2. On horseback

Valérie Winzen is a master hiker, the highest qualification for equestrian tourism. In 2008, she created The Mill Cavalry in the village of Usseau. Fancy a day of picnic hiking or a themed horseback ride (in carriage, along the water, discovering heritage treasures, etc.)? You should contact this outdoor horse riding specialist!

My advice : To awaken your adventurous soul, dare to go on multi-day itinerant hikes. “It’s my hobby!” », comments Hugo, my elder by 17 years.

3. By bike

Hugo and his father like to follow in the footsteps of the Châtelleraudais champion Sylvain Chavanel. Thanks to the interview that the latter granted me last year, I directed them towards the green and hilly cyclo loop (196 meters of elevation), From the Bois de Chitré to the Bois de la Foye.

On the program: passage through pretty undergrowth, magnificent panorama from the town of Monthoiron known for its fortress tower designed by Leonardo da Vinci, winding road to climb to the village of Chenevelles then picturesque road for a beautiful descent. And to end this 30 kilometer journey, cycle tourists enjoy peaceful viewpoints along the Vienne.

My advice : If you prefer the Moutain Bike and practice off paved roads, refer to the dedicated circuits.

4. In the trees

Since he reached the minimum height (110 cm), Arthur is proud to follow his big brother to the tops of the trees. Like Tarzan, they use monkey bridges, Bornean vines, zip lines... Ideal for working on balance, agility and courage. Different courses are offered depending on level and age. I am reassured because Aven'Thuré attaches great importance to safety.

At 20 meters above the ground in this 4-hectare park, the sensations are unique, and the experience as poetic as it is acrobatic!

My advice : If you suffer from vertigo, try tree climbing at night! Indeed, not seeing the ground changes the sensations…

5. On wheels or on ice

For skiing, head to the former industrial site of The Manu in Chatellerault.

Since 2017 a skatepark quality delights riders, whatever their specialty (board, roller, BMX, scooter, etc.). The 1 m² practice area is made up of a “relief” zone (inclined planes, walls, benches, sliding bars, steps, etc.) and a “bowl” zone. The spot benefits from a breathtaking view of the Vienne.

Nearby, the rink La Forge offers a 475 m² track. Hugo meets his friends there for themed Wednesday afternoons (Moss, Snowflakes, Halloween, Carnival, etc.). Arthur prefers to take over the space on Sunday morning during the Ice Garden slot reserved for under 10s.

My advice : Extend the effort by climbing the steps of the metal staircase to the footbridge that connects the two Vilmouth Towers. A real belvedere over the city!

6. In the water

Long live swimming! In Grand Châtellerault, four swimming pools welcome breaststroke, crawl or butterfly enthusiasts:

• In Châtellerault, The Aquatic Center is open all year round.

• In Saint-Gervais-les-Trois-Clochers, The Aquatic Center is “THE place to be” on sunny days.

• In Lencloître, the swimming pool nestled in the middle of a wooded park is open all year round.

• In Naintre, the Philippe Croizon pool is open on Wednesday afternoons outside school holidays, and from Monday to Friday afternoons during holidays.

My advice : If you prefer the swimming in a natural environment (lakes and rivers), consult the list of recreational areas HERE.

1, 2, 3, move!


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