Need inspiration for holiday cooking?

In order to live up to my nickname, “Sissi the Ambassador of Grand Châtellerault”, I imagined a New Year's Eve menu based on nuggets unearthed from local producers.

And to complete my suggestions and recipes, I called on two specialists:
• Isabelle Bureau, winegrower of Domaine des Renardières to Ouzilly, ex-oenologist,
• Aurélie, responsible for Tourist Office shop de Châtellerault, and a true living encyclopedia of our local products.


In 2016, Corinne Lhoste became a helicopter farmer. The young woman raises her “gros gris” in Sénillé-Saint-Sauveur. They can be consumed in many ways. As appetizers, I offer you a hot and cold variation…

Among the range of The Poitou Snail , I have a crush on escargots à la bourguignonne and Escargotoasts spreads.

Also to nibble as an aperitif: the savory specialties of Serenity Biscuits. In the old post office of Vicq-sur-Gartempe, Catherine Pigeonnat makes all her treats by hand, with raw materials from the surrounding area. On my coffee table, I will serve its pan-fried porcini mushroom flavor strips and its grilled fig and onion crackers.

Isabelle Bureau’s food and wine pairing: un sauvignon gris IGP Val de Loire 2019

Aurélie's advice: “Taste the tasty organic apple or pear juices pressed by Marie-France on her Vellèches farm, The Manoir de la Blonerie. "


I only eat foie gras in December and am very demanding about quality. If you don't want to prepare it yourself, I recommend ordering it from your favorite restaurateur.

Its marriage with Christmas jam Gourmet Pots will be perfect. Orianne Lauer (2016 French champion) cooks it in Sénillé-Saint-Sauveur, in copper cauldrons, with figs, pears, oranges, walnuts, hazelnuts, raisins and cinnamon. A seasonal delight!

And to complete this winning combo, I invite you to make homemade gingerbread with honey from The Itchy Hive (Coussay-les-Bois). For the recipe, CLICK HERE.

Isabelle Bureau’s food and wine pairing: un Chardonnay IGP Val de Loire 2019, to change sweet wines

Aurélie's advice: “For a delicious gingerbread that is already ready, I get my supplies from Grand Champ apiaries in Orches or at The Melusine and Olivier Cailler bakery in Châtellerault.”


The Souriau family is renowned for its organic poultry. During the holidays, she sells turkeys, chickens and other guinea fowl, at the farm on Friday afternoons, at the market halls of Châtellerault on Saturday mornings. Head to the Ferme de la Croix Blanche…

In this GAEC of Saint-Gervais-les-Trois-Clochers, I acquired a 4 kilo goose. Véronique Souriau, the manager, recommends 2 hours of cooking, in the oven at low temperature, basting it regularly with its juice. 

In the dish, I will add carrots, onions, potatoes and celery stalks Cousinière Gardens. I am a big fan of the vegetables from this organic market gardener in Antoigné.

For an original and spicy touch, I will buy organic fruit apples Savoies orchards in Vouneuil-sur-Vienne and safran from Chenevelles or Sénillé-Saint-Sauveur. My goal: to obtain an apple compote by frying quarters in salted butter with a few “red gold” pistils.

Isabelle Bureau’s food and wine pairing: un Cabernet franc AOC Haut-Poitou 2019

Aurélie's advice: “The poultry of the Old Bellefonds farm are also excellent. And their farm store is very well stocked.”


Living in Poitou, I make a point of offering goat cheeses! Which will not prevent my guests from having the choice because Grand Châtellerault has several creative and top producers…

I set my sights on the Chabichou AOP of GAEC de L’Âne Vert (Sossay), products in the shape of Sainte-Maure de Touraine from GAEC Goat’s Foot (Velleches) and the buchettes of the Petitsigne cheese shop (Sénillé-Saint-Sauveur).

Isabelle Bureau’s food and wine pairing: un Sauvignon Blanc AOC Haut-Poitou 2019 

Aurélie's advice: “For the vinaigrette of your green salad, dare to use organic camelina oil from Dana Farm in Sénillé-Saint-Sauveur (cold pressing specialist) and raspberry vinegar fromEARL de Vieille Prée in Lencloître (growing and processing of small fruits), you will tell me the news…”


To end this gala meal, place the chocolate and hazelnut log. I'm already salivating. And you will see, the challenge turns out to be well within everyone's reach.

In Availles-en-Châtellerault, stock up on dark, organic and grand cru couverture chocolate 70% of the Chocolaterie Berton and hazelnutsHuilerie LépineYou will then be ready to perform the blog's rolled log Meu's Kitchen. For the recipe, CLICK HERE.

Isabelle Bureau’s food and wine pairing: the Bubbles of Eleanor, traditional method raw 100% chenin

Aurélie's advice: “After these feasts, an infusion is necessary. The very fragrant Elf herbal tea, distributed by Diversi'Thé (Thuré), will help with digestion because it contains verbena. To be enjoyed with mini shortbreads with fleur de sel from the Lencloître biscuit factory. "

The majority of products mentioned in this article are on sale at the Tourist Office shop in Châtellerault.

My locavore party menu


A big thank you to Isabelle (left in the photo) and Aurélie (right) for their valuable insights!


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